Friday, March 19, 2010

Flashback Friday


Hubs (Bret) in 1982 just before his audition as the understudy for Red Fraggle in Fraggle Rock.


By the way, no feelings were hurt in the making of this post. It took a little convincing, but Hubs finally gave his approval and even had a good laugh. 'Cause after all, if you can't laugh at yourself, you must not own a mirror!

On another note...
If you haven't already, scroll down or click here to find our what you can do to help support breast cancer patients.


MollyinMinn said...

And I am so glad he gave you permission. That is fabulous!

Tracey said...

That is the cutest! And Fraggle Rock totally rules. :)

Katherine said...

Ahhh Fraggle Rock! That brings back some memories! I'm going to go ahead and assume that your hubby still owns those slippers and wears them around the house, because why would you ever stop wearing those?

Stopping by from SITS!

Kimi said...

"Dance your cares away...worries for another day..let the music play..down in Fraggle Rock."

classic, right there