Monday, March 29, 2010

Mommy and Me Monday

It wasn't until my mom recently asked me for a picture of me with Gillian Grace that I realized something, I don't have many!!! How could this be? I mean we must have thousands and thousands of pictures of GG and many of them include other family members so why aren't I in but a handful of them? Oh, that's right, I'm always BEHIND the camera!

While leapfrogging from blog to blog this past weekend, I came across another great idea--- Mommy and Me Monday. The idea behind this meme couldn't be simpler, post a picture of yourself with your child. I can do this!

Please excuse the orange goo on the tip of my nose. I was singing to Gillian Grace just before the picture and to show her appreciation she gave me licking, quite literally. Thinking it was sweet at first, I had no idea that she left the reminder of her snack on my nose until my husband began laughing hysterically (after the picture was taken, of course). Oh well, I'll take what I can get, Gerber peach yogurt melt gunk and all.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a sweetheart your little GG is. And the fact that she shared and left a little treat? Super sweet!

Tiffany said...

What a cutie! That's so sweet of her to share. :)