Is your car dirty? Well y'all, get out your tokens and platforms, it's time for a c a r w a s h!
This video was shot at a school fundraiser back in 2005. Each year all the teachers, on each grade level, were asked to perform a skit for the students and parents. Needless to say, though some of us dreaded the silly garb and goofy performances, year after year we put our egos aside for a night. After all, it was for the kids. {Forgive the cliche, I've just always wanted to say that and mean it!} Though it's not that old, this video has enough of a history to totally make me cringe with embarrassment every time I see it replayed. To keep a little of my dignity and self respect in tact, I'll only give you a hint as to my identity in the video---
If you only had glasses you'd see that I'm right in FROnt of you!
Did you see me?
Five Question Friday
Yay for 5QF fun hosted by Mama M.! If you'd like to participate head on over to My Little Life and link up.

1. Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself?
Yes!!! No matter how deserving I think I am, when it comes down to buying something for myself, the guilt usually gets the best of me before I have a chance to make it to the register. Funny thing is, I don't have any hesitation forking over the cash for anyone else, and it all comes from the same place. But then again, I guess we all have our weird hangups, now don't we?
2. How well do you know your neighbors?
We live in a relatively small neighborhood and out of the fifteen houses on our street, we are cordial with just about everyone, but really know only about two families really well. And for the majority of neighbors we don't know, Bret and I are perfectly content making up scenarios about their lives and comings and goings.
Together we've surmised that our across the street neighbors are in sales of some sort based on the high frequency of UPS deliveries and large volume of strangers constantly parading in and out of their home. Either that or the neighbors are running some sort of suburban bordello. And you thought Wisteria Lane was exciting!
3. What age are you looking forward to being?
I'm not looking forward to being any age in particular. I am just thankful to wake up each day no matter if it's now at 31, or twenty years down the road.
4. Do you get excited when the mail comes? Why?
I love getting mail of any kind, I'm not too picky. But there definitely is something extra exciting about heading out to the mailbox only to find that Darren, our mailman, has left something good in our box. And by good, I of course mean one of three things: an US Weekly magazine, catalogs from Pottery Barn, or a real letter form a family member or friend.
5. What is your earliest childhood memory?
It's hard to distinguish between early genuine memories and what I remember only because I've heard about it millions of times though the accounts of others. One thing is for certain, I vividly remember many early mornings before school spent having breakfast with my father at McDonald's or Hardee's. Those were special times with a very special man. Our breakfast tradition was one that continued on long after elementary school and through to high school until dad's chauffeur services were no longer required. And every once in a blue moon, dad even let me go into school a little late, with a proper excuse of course. {Sorry, mom!} This father daughter bonding is something that I hope Bret will continue with Gillybean. Well, minus the whole tardy for school part.
Daily Dose of Gillian Grace

Go Gators! Let's have a better weekend, huh fellas?
This and that...
This and that...
{one} I'm working on making a few changes around here. Details coming soon!
{two} Don't forget to enter the fun Baby Britches Boutique giveaway! Football season is in full swing. Enter to win a twirl skirt for your lil' in your favorite team's colors!

What do y'all have planned this weekend? Make it a terrific one, y'all!

That is hilarious! Thanks for sharing! :) I always love your flashbacks...even if they're not that far back...haha.
Yes, my dresses are a little dressy, but a girl can dream about fun dresses, right? Haha. Hope you have a great weekend!
Loved your post!
Gillian is adorable.
Haha, that was a FUN video! Love it.
I love getting mail, I actually get a little down when husband gets home before me and gets the mail. :(
I can't wait to see GG in her dress this weekend!!!
Ha! I love it! We make up scenarios about our neighbors too! There is a young man that lives across the street who owns a couple of night clubs and restaurants. Honest to God this guy has a new girl living with every other month or so. Me and my girls just laugh as we watch them become overnight visitors to actual key holders. Once they get those keys they think they are something. If they only knew they were just the flavor of the month!!
Love the fro! Teachers are sooo crazy! I bet the kids loved that!
That video is classic!!! Love it. :) So, I'm guessing you were one of the ones with an afro?
Nice video!! Did you have on the crazy socks?! I did that with teachers to Singing in the Rain with my pregnant belly!
Love all your answers to 5QF...we think alike on the spending money and the age thing!
Going to visit my dad for his birthday this weekend! Hope you have a good one :)
ok love the making up stuff about the neighbors...that is sooo what i me and i'll tell you what i do too! haha
Hey! Thank you for the helpful comment! I just got some of the teething tablets but haven't tried them yet. Stinks for the little ones you cant do much for a cold. I am one that starts popping clariton d and cold medicine at the first sniffle I have :). I don't want to do that with the sweet girl! Your blog is so cute! BTW I loved that blurb about your 'hood' and wisteria lane haha... things our neighbors do are too funny sometimes!
Hey! Thank you for the helpful comment! I just got some of the teething tablets but haven't tried them yet. Stinks for the little ones you cant do much for a cold. I am one that starts popping clariton d and cold medicine at the first sniffle I have :). I don't want to do that with the sweet girl! Your blog is so cute! BTW I loved that blurb about your 'hood' and wisteria lane haha... things our neighbors do are too funny sometimes!
so cute!
HAHAHAHA!!!!! Shannon that is HILARIOUS!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! :D
I am IN LOVE WITH THAT VIDEO! Hilarious!! So fun!!
I did get your e-mail, did you get mine? I hope it made some sense!! =)
Have a fabulous weekend friend!
You have friends and family that still write real letters?? I am so jealous!
i did! woot! go you!!
Stopped in from the Weekend Blog Hop.
Just wanted to say hello and hope your weekend is nice :)
Nana Poppins
Here (late) for the Friday blog hops! Great blog! Your newest follower. Hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!
xo Erin
I could not tell which one was you?? Regardless, it was a fun video. I guess it is safe to say you were a teacher before GG...LOL! So funny that you and Brett have a story for all of the neighbors. Probably makes waving hello that much more fun :)
Hi Shannon, glad you are back to blogging! Missed ya! Can't wait to see the new changes that are coming. Happpy Weekend!!!
What a fun video! How can you not love it:)
Thank you for participating in last week’s Follow Us Monday Morning! I hope you will stop by and participate in this week’s Follow Us Monday Morning @ Frugality Is Free, the new linky will open up at 10 p.m. EST.
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