In a genius skit spoofing A&E's Mad Men, three Muppets bantered back and forth about emotions while flipping through several ad campaign posters. When the boss, coincidentally known as Don Draper, closes the scene by calling out, "Good work, sick of ants!"
Sick of ants! Are you confused?
Well, I was! I couldn't understand for the life of me what in the world sick of ants could possibly mean. I thought about it on and off for the rest of the day, in between loads of laundry, dirty diapers, and my never ending war against the always on the floor Cheerio. By the time Bret walked in the door from work, I had all but forgotten about the whole Sesame Street conundrum until I found myself watching the day's episode once again while GG drank her evening milk.
As my know it all hubby (said lovingly), explained what the Muppet had actually said, my confusion soon turned to understanding. Which was quickly followed by a cheek flushing rush of embarrassment at my stupidity that, if compared, would've made Snooki look like a Rhodes Scholar.
Sick of ants was actually sycophants. Oooohhhh, I should've have known that!
But in my defense, they do sound similar. Right?
Now should Alex Trebek ever come a' callin', and you find yourself with this Daily Double answer...
synonym: parasite

Funny story. She looks cute sitting on her little cushion watching tv
Oh that is too funny!!!
There's one episode where they spoof the Law & Order shows, searching for the letter M, I believe. The Muppets go crazy every time they hear the "chung, chung" noise. Cracks me up every time!
Never saw the Mad Men one though. Have to check it out!
I think we all have those moments! :) So funny!
LOL! Whoa...I don't even know that word. I love these pictures of GG! She is such a cutie!!!!! :)
So Funny!!! She is precious!
That's hysterical! Thanks for the vocab lesson.
Hilarious! I'm sure I would have thought the same thing...
Ugh, I'll be entering the 31 club this year too...blah!
That's so cute, she really looks intent on watching "her program".
That picture of her watching the show is priceless. I love it.
Also I have no idea what sycophants means? Did I even spell that right?
I like that Sesame Street is geared for parents as well though. That's nice of them :)
I think that's fair. Who'd assume a children's program would use the word sycophants?
Funny story! Abby also went through an Elmo stage, she loves that red furry monster! :)
She is too cute! :)
Oh my goodness! How cute is she watching tv! Adorable!
ohhh man i do that all the time w/song lyrics...hubs will hear me and shake his head...or smack his head w/his hand laughing at my lyrics! i swear that's what they sound like to me!
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