After a week of chores---holiday decorating and cleaning---I've never been more ready to see the weekend arrive! And while we plan to enjoy some long overdue down time tomorrow, Sunday we'll be taking Sweet Bean to Christmas on the Hill, a neighborhood celebration, where she'll get to meet Santa for the first time. After seeing so many Santa pictures on blogs this past week, I honestly have no idea what to expect. Whether GG decides to be naughty or nice, I promise to be camera ready when she takes her seat on ol' Kris Kringle's lap!
Fun Phone Photo Friday
Okay, so a few Fridays ago, I jokingly mentioned that I wear footie pajamas. Of course I don't, and really just thought I was being ridiculous. Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd actually stumble upon a pair of footies, much less at my favorite store! But looky what I found at Target---

And no, I resisted the urge to splurge and left them hanging right where I found them.

I think it best to leave this look to the little ones, like my Bean.

Now I know y'all have tons of pictures on your phones, please link up. I'm beggin' ya!

Ornament Exchange Pairings
First of all, thank you to all the sweet friends that emailed and signed up with us! Karen and I are so excited about our inaugural exchange! With such a great group of ladies, we have a feeling it will be a huge success, and with any luck at all, next year's exchange will be even bigger!
I've posted the list of pairings below. To maintain a bit of privacy, I've omitted all last names, instead only listing first name and last name initial. I will be in touch with all participants in the next day or so with more detailed information including your partner's full name and mailing address.
In the meantime, have fun shopping for your ornament! Don't forget that all ornaments must be mailed out no later than Wednesday, December 8th. As always, feel free to email me {} with any questions.

Any big plans for the weekend? Go Gamecocks!

Yay! I'm paired with YOU!
I saw those pjs and almost got them as a joke but didn't! They are much cuter for babies
I don't think I know my partner ... but I loooove meeting new people! And finding new blogs! Woop!!
I just got a new Blackberry on Wednesday night ... sooo ... no photos on it yet! I'll link up next week and bombard you with photos!
In the meantime, feel free to send pics of GG to her AA!
Shannon, Shannon, Shannon... why are you cheering for the Gamecocks? I am hoping Auburn wins (although I'm not too pleased w/ the NCAA's handling of the whole Cam situation). If Auburn wins, there's a chance the BCS title will go to an SEC team! :)
You should've bought those monkey footie PJ's :) Just kidding! Those are so funny. I'm pretty sure my S-I-L owns a pair of those footie PJ's! Ha ha!
P.S. I'll be linking up for the Fun Friday Phone pics too!
Those adult onesies kill me :) HAHA LOVE that your got this on photo. HUGS
Hi Shannon! Thank you so much for putting together such a pretty list!!! I am so excited to start exchanging with Melissa!!!
Happy Friday!
Can't wait!! :) I love a good ornament exchange, haha!
Love the footies!! I would get way too HOT if I ever attempted to sleep in a pair :) But that's pretty much all W sleeps in!
Good luck with GG and Santa! I hope she enjoys it :)
I am going to try to link up (if my pics go through)...but but they are just of some shoes I tried on...but it is kinda humorous :)
Love the way you did the Ornament Exchange pretty!! Will you send blog addresses too so we can identify who we are exchanging with?
Hope you have a great weekend!
I had a pair of adult footsie pajamas. Let me tell you...they're not very comfortable!!!
I can't wait to see GG's Santa picture!
This is how I know we are destined to be friends....I almost bought those exact pj's at Target last weekend. I put them back though. I am going to add them to my XMas list...LOL! GG looks like adorable in her jammies :) I am so excited for the ornament exchange...going shopping today!
Your daughter is a cutie! Thanks for the follow...following you back :) What a great idea on the ornament exchange! And yes footy pajamas for adults are too much...but I actually have a friend who wears them and loves it!
ohhh yea! can't wait to start shopping for my partner's ornament! do you have blogs for them too?
i'm sure the hubs was mighty pleased that you refrained from making the footie purchase! haha RAAAAAAAAAAAR
Thanks for sharing pictures of GG to start my morning off right before i start writing galore of essays and paper all due by 8pm tonight :)
Good luck with seeing Santa this weekend :)
I'm excited about the ornament swap , i dont know my partner either but i'm looking forward to meeting someone new!
oh and go cocks?! i have to know why :)
Enjoy your friday!
Love the footies! I laughed when I saw them hanging at Target! I would burn up!
I hope GG loves Santa and I can't wait to see the pictures. Jack loved him last year, but we'll see if he still has the same feelings this year! HA!
So excited to start shopping for my ornament. There are sooo many cute ones to choose from. I think sharing the blog addresses is a great idea!
Have a great weekend! I'll be finishing my orders, putting up Christmas decorations and just relaxing this weekend. So glad it's finally Friday! WooHoooo!!
I don't know my partner but I am pumped!!! I can't wait to ornament shop! So fun ;) If the person that is partnered up with me sees this post email me!!! or or come join my blog @ YAYAYA FOR NEW BLOG FRIENDS ;)
Ellie thinks we all need footed pajams.
Happy Friday!
If I looked like lil miss beans, I'd be wearing them too!!
For the record, I wear my pj's with my uggs SO...I might would wear those, lol! I am always cold:)
Christmas on the Hill.......I used to go when I lived in Mobile! Have fun girl!!!
Footie PJ's Ha! I have seen those too! I think they are super cute, but you're right, I don;t think I could buy them! You would've looked so cute in them though! You should get them just for Christmas morning. Maybe the hubs will buy you a pair ha for Christmas!
Miss G is so cute with that water bottle and her footie pj's
Haha, footsie pajamas for adults crack me up. My brother and sis in law got me, my husband and brother some for Christmas last year as a joke and we all took a picture in them holding my niece who was wearing hers as well. We looked ridiculous! I agree leaving them to the kids is a better idea.
Can you imagine your husbands face if you were to come out of the bathroom wearing those ready to hop in bed tonight :) haha.
Yep we're heading over to see Santa this Sunday too! Your pics from last year's Christmas are so adorable. Looks like our daughters are just a year apart in age. Very interesting to see where she will probably be this time next year!
Those "feetie" pajamas are a hoot. OMG...are those sock monkeys on the bottom? I must check those out! I could never buy a pair, either, as they would drive me nuts while I slept. Great "white elephant" gift, though. I must keep them in mind.
It looks like you had a great turn-out for the ornament exchange. Fun!
Love the curls on Bean. Cute, cute, cute!
Happy weekend!
Yeah! Thanks for organizing the ornament should be fun fun! :)
Hi Shannon! Thanks for visisting my blog...looks like our little ones are about the same age. Your blog looks like tons of fun!!!
I'm going to try to post a pic next week!!! How fun!
So sad I missed the exchange! By the way, I think that you should get matching footy pj's for you and bean and then make sure to post pictures!!
What a cute idea!!! I LOVE it and hate that I missed it. :( Fun stuff!
Jenn :)
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